The Parable of The Sower

Luke 8:4-15. The soil of the heart is so crucial as we hear God’s Word. Many are robbed of the Word’s potential due to the devil, the world’s seduction, life’s trials and the flesh, but may we have hearts that are open, teachable, meek, humble and believing and see fruit a 100-fold! 

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Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (Part 3)

John 17:18-26. As The Lord concludes this Priestly prayer to the Father, He prays for all believers to be sanctified by the truth and have unity. It would be through this unity that the world would know and believe in Christ. God’s will for our lives os to be set apart from the world unto […]

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When The Spirit of Truth Has Come

John 16:1-14. How can Christians find help, comfort, and guidance in troubles and persecution? Jesus encourages the 11 disciples that although they shall all be persecuted, hated and even killed, the Holy Spirit of truth shall be with them and He will guide, strengthen and help them when that time comes.

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