The Parable of The Sower

Luke 8:4-15. The soil of the heart is so crucial as we hear God’s Word. Many are robbed of the Word’s potential due to the devil, the world’s seduction, life’s trials and the flesh, but may we have hearts that are open, teachable, meek, humble and believing and see fruit a 100-fold! 

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Gathered as One to Hear The Book

Neh 8:1-12. After the reconstruction of the wall, there was now need for the re-instruction of the people. Ezra brings the book, the people hear attentively and hearts are realigned. This speaks to us of our need for the book, for preaching and gathering together in faith. Ah bring the book once more!

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Bring the Book

Nehemiah 8:1-18 As the People Gathered at the gate to hear the Word, Ezra brings the book and begins to speak with amazing results. This shows us the value, need and power of The Word of God in our lives today. (Other Key Verses Acts 8:28-31)

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