Making Disciples & Baptising Them

Matt 28:19. Why do Christians get water baptised? What is the point and is it necessary for salvation? What is the meaning of Spiritual Baptism and when does that take place? How do I become a true Christian? May these questions be clearly settled in our hearts as we rest in His blessed assurance. 

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Water Baptism & Spirit Baptism

Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus told us that we should be water baptised, but what does it mean? Why do we do it? What difference does it make? Should you been baptized? What about baby baptism? What is Spirit Baptism? These questions and others are answered in this sermon on baptism.

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Drinking Living Water

John 4:1-42. In this incredible story of the Samaritan woman at the well, we consider what Jesus and this woman appeared to be thinking. One was thinking “if you knew who I really was, you’d have nothing to do with me” and the other was thinking “if you knew who I really was, you would […]

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