Stumbling Blocks & Forgiveness

Potential stumbling blocks, that could cause us fall away, be offended, or tempted, will come. Therefore we must be careful (1) not be a cause of stumbling for others and (2) not to stumble ourselves. Let us serve, forgive and be good stewards in our relationships. 

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Humility & Honour

Luke 14:1-24. Humility is something beautiful and pride can be so ugly in the lives of God’s people. The humble man will find grace, but the proud man will be resisted. Jesus exposes the Pharisees for their love of honour, seeking the praise and recognition of men. While we are all subject to the natural […]

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Elders, Overseers & Pastors

What should the leadership structure of a local church look like? What is the difference between the different terms used for leaders in The New Testament? What are the criteria for choosing leaders in the church? What are the characteristics of a good pastor? These questions, and many more, are answered in this all-important teaching […]

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Dwelling Together in Unity

Psalm 133:1-3. Listening to sermons or watching services online can be an encouragement, and we thank God for that! But we also realize that it is no substitute for being with the people of God in fellowship. There is a corporate blessing that descends from above that you just can’t get any other way than […]

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God’s People United in Christ

Philippians 2:1-2. Paul writes to encourage the church in Philippi to be united in one mind and for one purpose. We explore what that looked like to the Philippians and also why and how we can apply those truths in our lives today.

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Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (Part 3)

John 17:18-26. As The Lord concludes this Priestly prayer to the Father, He prays for all believers to be sanctified by the truth and have unity. It would be through this unity that the world would know and believe in Christ. God’s will for our lives os to be set apart from the world unto […]

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