Walking by Sight & Not by Faith

Ps 78:40-41. 2 Cor 5:7. God often sets the stage in our lives to challenge and develop our faith. He may ask us certain questions and is always looking for the answer according to faith. May this new year be one of growing in faith and answering life’s situations by faith!

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Grace for The Imperfect Family

Heb 11:11, . As we focus on the story of Sarah (Gen 12-21), we are reminded again that life is not perfect. Furthermore, husbands are not perfect, family is not perfect and our faith is not perfect. However, God uses imperfect people by His great grace. This is true-life Christianity, where grace and redemption connect […]

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Not Seeing, Yet Believing

John 20:20-31. Thomas was not present at that first meeting when Jesus appeared to the group. He stubbornly told the others he would not believe unless he saw and touched from himself. The following Sunday his stubborn unbelief would be turned into living faith when he saw the risen Christ and said “my Lord, My […]

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The Race that is Set Before us

Heb 12:1-4. The author of Hebrews likens the Christian life to a race. Like an athlete, we must have a certain discipline and focus to run well, with our eyes on the prize, looking unto Jesus. The key element of the race is to ensure we are maintaining a living faith and not allow ourselves […]

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Jericho’s Walls & Rahab’s Faith

Heb 11:30-31.Josh 6:1-25. The author of Hebrews tells us that the Jericho walls came tumbling down because of faith. Yes, it was by the power and the grace of God, nevertheless, the people’s faith is instrumental in this event. How many times in our own lives may the presence or absence of a living faith […]

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Entering the Promise Land by Faith

Num 13:17-33, Josh 14:6-14. God never promised the Christian a trouble-free life without challenges or trials. Rather, we understand that through those facing those challenges or “giants in the land” we discover such victories and growth in our walk of faith. Just as the Israelites of Old had to face the giants of the land, […]

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Numbers (Survey Class)

Numbers (Slideshow Download Available) The Journey from Sinai to The Promised Land begins! However the unfortunate events at Kadesh Barnea, with the unbelief of the 10 spies and the people, meant they would wander through the wilderness, and the next generation would enter in. This book typifies the wilderness wanderings of unbelief we may all […]

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