An all-Sufficient Grace

2 Cor 12:9. If we could Counsel God regarding His plan for our lives, we might suggest he leaves out the trouble, valleys, thorns, but maybe God had a plan to somehow work and bless us through those things? 

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Lead Me to The Rock that is Higher than I

Ps 62:1-8. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the situations that life brings? Or feel a bit lost or discouraged? In this treasured psalm, David was feeling extremely weighed down and overwhelmed and looks to His God. Consider this model prayer on how to find The Lord in such difficult times. 

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Looking to that Final day

Dan 12:5-13. What are we to make of the days we live in? What is the timeline in God’s program? Will there be a tribulation, a resurrection, a kingdom? How are we to understand prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the future?

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Circumstances to Advance The Gospel

Phil 1:12-18. Paul wrote to the Philippians about a Joy that is not determined by outward circumstances. In fact, as Paul spoke of rejoicing in The Lord, he wrote from a Roman prison cell. Furthermore, Paul explained that his circumstances had worked for the furtherance of the gospel purpose. May we also be able to […]

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Heb 11:22. All through Joseph’s trials and troubles, he was able to continue by faith, believing that The Lord was with him, sensing God’s s blessing and trusting he had a plan. In the end he was free to forgive his brothers and move on into blessings by faith. May we also be able to […]

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Grace that is Added

2 Cor 12:7-10. Just like Paul, we may often pray that our trouble or suffering would be taken away. We think that would be best for us. But God’s answer to Paul was not to take something away, but to add something. He told Paul that added grace was sufficient for him. Paul learned to […]

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Peace in Troubled Times

John 14:27, Psalm 46:1-3 & Various Scriptures. In this unprecedented time of trouble in our world and lives, there are so many who are living with great fears and anxiety. As Christians, God has given us a promise and provision for His perfect peace during the storm and to not let our hearts be troubled.

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