Paul’s Powerful Testimony to The Jews

Acts 22:1-30. Now in Jerusalem, Paul is accused and dragged out of the temple by the Jews. The Roman Commander comes to his rescue and allows Paul, from of the top of the temple stairs, to addess the angry crowd in Hebrew. This chapter covers Paul’s masterful and powerful defense of the gopel and his […]

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Making Disciples (Baptism Service)

Matt 28:18-20. At this baptism service we celebrated the glorious miracle of salvation, as beautify portrayed through the outward act of Baptism. There is nothing like seeing somoeone come to faith, grow as a disciple and then make that the decision to publicaly demonstrate their faith through baptism. In this message we teach about Spiritual […]

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Water Baptism & Spirit Baptism

Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus told us that we should be water baptised, but what does it mean? Why do we do it? What difference does it make? Should you been baptized? What about baby baptism? What is Spirit Baptism? These questions and others are answered in this sermon on baptism.

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