The Silent Years & the Fulness of The time

Gal 4:4-5. The 400 years between Malachi & Matthew are often called the Silent Years as there was no prophetic voice. However, God was preparing for the fulness of time and making things ready for when he would send forth his son. A great Christmas celebration. In what ways did God make things ready? How […]

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Unto Us..

Isaiah 9:6-7. This remarkable prophecy begins with the precious words:  ‘Unto us a child is born…’ and proceeds to predict the ministry and character of our Saviour Jesus with stunning accuracy. It anticipated the wonder of the incarnation and the divinity of the One born to Mary, whilst giving insight into His wonderful character and […]

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The Lost Son

Luke 15:11-32. In this timeless parable on the lost son, Jesus answers the accusation in the heart of the pharisees that he receieves sinners. His answer is essentially the gospel, portrayed with a loving, gracious father, who runs, who restoresm who forgives.

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