The Race that is Set Before us

Heb 12:1-4. The author of Hebrews likens the Christian life to a race. Like an athlete, we must have a certain discipline and focus to run well, with our eyes on the prize, looking unto Jesus. The key element of the race is to ensure we are maintaining a living faith and not allow ourselves […]

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Running the Race by Faith

Hebrews 12:1-4 The Christian life is likened to a race set before us. It’s not a sprint but a marathon that must be run with patience. And we must look to Jesus, the auther and finisher of our faith, until the finish line.

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Running Well by God’s Grace

1 Samuel 14:23-33, Gal 5:7-9. King Saul made a foolish command that none of the people would eat until they get victory over the enemy. This is likened to making grace conditional or adding a price to it. The gospel is to freely eat and then you run well, serve well, live well, as Paul […]

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