Walking by Sight & Not by Faith

Ps 78:40-41. 2 Cor 5:7. God often sets the stage in our lives to challenge and develop our faith. He may ask us certain questions and is always looking for the answer according to faith. May this new year be one of growing in faith and answering life’s situations by faith!

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A Gracious God, Ready to Pardon

Neh 9:1-22. Two truths that run through Israel’s history, are “the sinfulness of men” and “God’s unfailing, covenant love”. Though they forsook Him, He never forsook them. We draw so much encouragement from knowing we are also the children of grace and he will never leave us or forsake us. 

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2 Kings (Survey Class)

2 Kings 1-25 (Slideshow Download Available) This amazing book continues following the history of Israel and Judah, tracing the decline and captivity of both. We see the inevitable consequences of sin and rebellion against God despite the words and warnings of the prophets. Our hearts are deeply instructed as we see that the success or […]

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