Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1-13. “The Lord’s Prayer” serves as a model prayer, not to just be recited as some religious formula, but to provide key principles for our own prayer-lives as we learn how to pray. The tenants and handrails for prayer our found in this powerful example of prayer.  

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Rebuilding Begins with Prayer

Neh 1:4-11. As Nehemiah set his heart and mind to Jerusalem, with a desire to see the wall rebuilt, he started with prayer. As we consider God’s work of rebuilding in our own lives, our church, our community, and our land, let us be moved to pray to prepare the way.

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The Prayer of Jabez

1 Chron 4:9-10. Jabez was a man who had pain associated with his name. There was something that had happened in his past that he had no control over. This threatened to affect his whole life, yet we read that Jabez turned out to be an honourable man and rose above that name, his past, […]

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The Criteria for Answered Prayer

John 14:12-15. Does God answer every prayer? If not, why not? With many Christians frustrated with unanswered prayers “in Jesus name”, it is so important to understand the criteria for answered prayer. In this Sermon we tackle the difficult question of unanswered prayer and how we can pray according to God’s will.

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The Altar of Incense & Prayer

Ex 30:1-10 (Slideshow Download Available) Continuing our series on The Tabernacle we come to the The Altar of Incense. This sacred piece of furniture, facing the mercy seat, beautifully speaks of our prayer life and open access to God’s throne room of grace.

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