God’s Providence & The Feast of Purim

How often do we out things down to chance or coincidence, when actually God may well be working? Although God’s name is not actually mentioned in the book of Esther, His hand is so clearly seen. God’s seeming silence does not mean his absence, for He is surely at work to providentially bring about his […]

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Facing the Call Head On

Acts 21:1-26. As Paul completes the 3rd Missionary Journey his eyes are set on Rome and ultimately Rome. Although the HS testifies of sufferings ahead and the disciples plead with Paul not to go there, he knows he must venture forwards in God’s plan. He must face the Call head-on.

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My Hour is Not Yet Come

John 7:1-20. There was a definite timeline and plan for Jesus life, ministry and death. Several times he clearly says that his hour was not yet, clealry showing that his redemptive plan in no way was left to chance, but was orchestrated by God, all in the fulness of time.(Galatians 4:4)

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God Works Things Together

Esther 4:1-17 As we consider the story of Esther we see God’s undeniable hand of providence working behind the scenes in the lives of people to accomplish his plan. This is such a comfort for all believers as we consider his providencial hand of care in our own lives.

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