Christ Foreshadowed in the Spring Feasts

The New Testament writers open up the secret of the feasts and show is that they lay down a prophetic timeline of the person and work of Christ. Paul clearly states that the feasts were a shadow of things to come and the reality is found in Christ (Col 2:18-19). May our hearts stand in […]

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Christ the Firstfruits of The Resurrection

When Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, he fulfilled countless prophecies, shadows, and types. Among them were the Jewish feasts, just awaiting fulfillment by the reality of Christ and his work. As we consider the Spring feasts together, our hearts stand in wonder at Jesus, our Passover, and our Firstfruits! 

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Jesus in The Passover Seder

Ex 12:3-11. Not only was the Passover a memorial, in that it looked back to the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt, but it was also prophetic or typical in that it looked ahead to Jesus, the true Passover Lamb. We stand in wonder as we recognize how the various elements of the Seder meal […]

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Christ Our Passover

Exodus 12:1-14. The remarkable story of Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt centres around the sacrifice of The Passover Lamb. The New Testament clearly declares that Christ is OUR Passover, sacrificed for us. What treasures can we discover as we explore this amazing truth together?

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