1 Thes 2:1-20. In reflecting on the ministry they’d had in Thessaloniki, Paul lays out many characteristics of heart and attitude that should be evident in church ministry. Are you in it for the right reasons? Is it an occupation or a vocation? Do you truly love and care for the flock? May God search […]

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Organisation in The Church

Acts 6:1-14. As the early Church in Jerusalem grows, the need for organization and leadership becomes apparent. The Apostles choose 7 men of faith to serve in practical matters. In Acts 7 one of these men, namely Stephen finds himself brought before the Sanhedrin, ending in his martyrdom.

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Persecution in the Early Church

Acts 4:1-36. On the tails of the miracle of the lame man, the sermon and the salvations from chap 3, we now see the first signs of opposition against the Church. As they are brought before the Sanhedrin, we see the courage of Peter and John in their bold stand for the gospel.

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