Our Heart Response to God’s Word

2 Chron 34:27. How King Josiah responded to The Word and how his son later responded are shocking contrasts and lessons for us as believers. How important it is to humble ourselves before God. A broken spirit and contrite heart He will not despise! 

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The Anointing Oil of The Holy Spirit

1 Kings 1:39-40. As practised at our queens coronation, the “anointing of oil” is modelled on the anointing of Solomon and other Monarchs. When Jesus began his public ministry, he was not anointed with oil, which was the shadow, but with The Holy Spirit Himself. Likewise the horn of oil from heaven was poured out […]

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The Mystery of the Wise Men

Matt 2:1-12. Our Christmas cards may often have 3 Kings on camels visiting the baby Jesus in a stable, but is that accurate? Were there 3 of them? Who were they? Where did they come from? What information did they have? Was it in a stable? Was jesus still a new born baby? Discover the […]

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2 Chronicles Part 2 (Survey Class)

2 Chronicles (Slideshow Download Available) This, sadly a neglected book of the Bible, is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn […]

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2 Chronicles Part 1 (Survey Class)

Sadly a neglected book of the Bible, 2 ChronIcles is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn how crucial it is […]

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2 Kings (Survey Class)

2 Kings 1-25 (Slideshow Download Available) This amazing book continues following the history of Israel and Judah, tracing the decline and captivity of both. We see the inevitable consequences of sin and rebellion against God despite the words and warnings of the prophets. Our hearts are deeply instructed as we see that the success or […]

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1 Kings Part 3 (Survey Class)

1 Kings 14-22 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters trace the history of Solomon during the United Kingdom up to where the Kingdom divides with his Son Rehoboam and Jeroboam in the North. We may well give these chapters the somber title of “How to lose a Kingdom”

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2 Samuel (Survey Class)

2 Samuel (Slideshow Download Available) This class covers David riegning over all of Israel as a king under God, including the sad chapters of his failure with Bathsheba, the murder of Uriah and the conspiracy of Absolom are featured here. Nevertheless David finds grace with God and is blessed and restored.

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1 Samuel Part 3 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 23-31 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters follow the years of David in exile, relentlessly pursued by Saul. These 2 men stand in stark contract in many ways and serve as examples of the spiritual man in David and the carnal man in Saul.

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