2 Chronicles Part 1 (Survey Class)

Sadly a neglected book of the Bible, 2 ChronIcles is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn how crucial it is […]

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1 Chronicles (Survey Class)

1 Chronicles (Slideshow Download Available) This wonderful book focuses on the person and life of David according to the line of Judah.  1 Chronicles gives added insights into some aspects of David’s life and deeply encourages us in principles for the Christian life of faith.

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1 Kings Part 1 (Survey Class)

1 Kings 1-11 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters trace the history of Solomon during the United Kingdom through to where the Kingdom divides under  his Son Rehoboam. We may well give these chapters the somber title “How to lose a Kingdom”

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