The Pilgrims Longing for the Presence of The Lord

Psalm 84:1-11. In this “Psalm of Zion”, the pilgrim expresses his longing for the house of God and God’s very presence. He declares how blessed the pilgrim is, who finds his strength in God and places his trust in His God alone. What a joy to find our home in the house of God, the […]

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Rejoice in The Lord Always

Phil 4:1-4. Paul wrote these words during his own personal “lockdown” in Rome. Yet from prison, he could say “rejoice in the Lord always”. Christian joy and rejoicing is not based on circumstances but is found DESPITE our circumstances. We rejoice in the Lord, in the truth, the gospel, that our names are written in […]

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To Live is Christ

Phil 1:19-28. While on one hand Paul considers the immeasurable blessing of going on to heaven, he also recognizes the privilege and need to remain here on earth with a ministry to people. He concludes that to live is Christ, holding the desire that Christ be magnified in his life and also in his death. […]

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The Source of Joy

Phil 1:1-11. Joy is a theme that runs through Philippians, often called “the letter of Joy”. Paul writes this letter from prison in Rome, demonstrating that Joy was not something determined by ones circumstances, but sourced in an inner life through Christ. As Christians, even when everything seems to be falling apart, we can be […]

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Yet I Will Rejoice

Hab 3:17-19. Why does God not seem to hear us? Why does He allow Suffering? Why do some good people suffer and some wicked people prosper? These were some of the questions in the heart of Habakkuk the prophet as he struggled to make sense of it all. Then God answers and brings Habakkuk from […]

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Your Sorrow Will Be Turned into Joy

John 16:16-33. The Christian was never promised a trouble-free life but he was promised a Joy that remains. In these last moments before Gethsemene, Jesus assures His disciples that, although they would face trials and troubles, their sorrow would be turned into joy. How does this relate to our lives and the challenges you might […]

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Abiding in the Vine

John 15:1-8. What does it mean to abide in the Vine? What is the fruit seen in the life of an abiding believer? If we are not bearing fruit can we lose our salvation? This sermon explores these important questions and more.

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