The Four Faces of The Gospels

Throughout the Old Testament, 4 veins of prophecy spoke of one who was to come. Matthew opens to say “the King is here!” Mark says “The Servant is here!”, Luke says “The Man is here!” And John says “The Lord is here”. Let us marvel at the one who came, the one who will come […]

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The Empty Tomb

John 20:1-20. The composite view of the resurrection story is not so easy to piece together. It takes some careful comparison of the gospels to lay down the timeline for that special Sunday morning. In this study of the most important day in history, we piece together the events that Resurrection morning.

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Judas, John, Peter & The Command to Love

Jon 13:18-38. In this sermon we consider some of the key charatecters in the Upper Room that night, Judas who betrayed, John who was loved & Peter who denied. After Judas slips out into the dark night, Jesus explains that he must soon depart and gives The Great Commandment to Love to his his disciples […]

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