The Birth of Christ

Luke 2:1-7. As Christians, our hearts fill with wonder as we consider the birth of our Saviour. There was no room in the Inn, but he found His place at the manger scene. Likewise, the gospel does not ask if we are prepared, clean or ready, but simply asks “is there room?”. 

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Emmanuel God with Us

Matt 1:18-22. At birth He was wrapped in linen and laid in a manger and at his death He was wrapped in linen and laid in the tomb. As Christians we understand how the manger and the cross are connected, for He became flesh and dwelt among us, partaking of flesh and blood, so he […]

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I Must be about My Father’s Business

Luke 2:39-52. As a child, did Jesus need to learn, study, gain knowledge, grow in wisdom? Or because He had a divine nature, did he just know everything already? Luke records for us the only event from Christ’s childhood in the scriptures, which helps us consider these deep questions and what He meant when he […]

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Your Sorrow Will Be Turned into Joy

John 16:16-33. The Christian was never promised a trouble-free life but he was promised a Joy that remains. In these last moments before Gethsemene, Jesus assures His disciples that, although they would face trials and troubles, their sorrow would be turned into joy. How does this relate to our lives and the challenges you might […]

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Unto Us..

Isaiah 9:6-7. This remarkable prophecy begins with the precious words:  ‘Unto us a child is born…’ and proceeds to predict the ministry and character of our Saviour Jesus with stunning accuracy. It anticipated the wonder of the incarnation and the divinity of the One born to Mary, whilst giving insight into His wonderful character and […]

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Salvation & Godliness by Grace Alone

Titus 2:9-15. Is it easy for you & I to slip into a works program? Do we easily lose sight of grace? After Paul has instructed Timothy regarding the godly conduct he expects from the Men & Women in the church, he clearly reminds Titus, and all of us, that such conduct and godliness is […]

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No Room at The Inn

Luke 2:1-7.  We consider Joseph’s visit from the angel (Matt 1) and then follow his journey with Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Luke 2). There was no room for them in the Inn, but as the Christmas carol sounds out “let every heart prepare him room”.  (Other Key Verses Matt 1:18-25, John 1:11-12)

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The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1-18. In this foundational Sermon in The Gospel of John series, we introduce the book and explore the opening passage together. John presents Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God and Saviour from these opening verses and throughout the entire book.

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