The Love of God

1 John 4:16, Romans 5:8. t’s one thing to “come to know” the love of God and yet another to “come to believe” and rely upon it. God has clearly demonstrated His love for us at the cross, and now His Spirit seeks to persuade us of that love more and more, so that we […]

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Jesus and The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

In John’s gospel, Jesus claimed to be the source of “living water” and also the “light of the world”. It’s only when we consider these claims in the context of The Feast of Tabernacles that we realise how astounding they really were. How could he make these claims and what do they really mean?

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Repentance & Forgiveness

Luke 3:1-23. After 400 years without any prophetic voice, God finally speaks through John the Baptist. And what is his first word to men? “repent”! Ah, forgiveness awaits, but repentance is the key step. 

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The Holy Spirit & Remnant Believer

Luke 2:21-39. What does it mean to be “led by the Spirit” or “walk in the Spirit”? What is it that sets apart a “remnant believer” from any other Christian? What does it mean to be earnestly waiting for His coming? As we consider these 2 special characters at the end of Luke 2, Simeon […]

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Lives Changed by The Gospel

1 Thes 1:5-9. The Gospel came to the Thessalonians “in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance”. Their lives were changed and the fruit was there for everyone to see. We also pray for the Word to continue to powerfully change lives in our church and community. 

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Let Us also Walk in The Spirit

Gal 5:16-25. The key to the Christian life is learning to yield to the Indwelling Spirit in us. Many Christians wrestle with the passions, cravings, and desires of sin, trying to get victory in their own strength, but we are told that if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of […]

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