Christ Set You Free to be Free

Gal 5:1. We are told that we have been made free, but we must now ensure that we live free and remain free. We must be careful not to take on the false burden and yoke of the law, according to the flesh, but be yoked up with Jesus, learning of him and resting in […]

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From Slaves to Sons

Gal 4:1-7. If we would be given the privileges and rights of full adult sonship through adoption, why would we ever return to live as slaves under a religious system? But that is what the Galatians were doing and, as believers, we must be careful to always live as sons and not as slaves.

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Continue in Grace

Acts 13:38-43. On the 1st Missionary trip, Paul & Barnabas persuaded the people to continue in the grace of God. They started by grace through faith, without works or merit and must continue in that same grace.

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