Let Us also Walk in The Spirit

Gal 5:16-25. The key to the Christian life is learning to yield to the Indwelling Spirit in us. Many Christians wrestle with the passions, cravings, and desires of sin, trying to get victory in their own strength, but we are told that if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of […]

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Abiding in His Love

John 15:8-27. What does it mean to remain or continue in God’s love? And what can hinder the experience of such love? These questions and others are considered as we further the study of abiding in Him and various aspects of living the Spirit-filled Christian life.

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Abiding in the Vine

John 15:1-8. What does it mean to abide in the Vine? What is the fruit seen in the life of an abiding believer? If we are not bearing fruit can we lose our salvation? This sermon explores these important questions and more.

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