Ministering to One Another

John 13:35, Galatians 6:2, James 5:16. The “one another” principle runs all the way through the New Testament. For example, we are told to “love one another” – but what does that love actually look like? How is love expressed one to another? This sermon gives insights and application to this and various “one another” […]

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The Life of The Body

1 Cor 12:11-27. Paul uses the example of the human body to teach about the unity and diversity of the church. He demonstrates that the church is a spiritual organism made up of individual gifted members who are joined to Christ’s life. But what is “body life” and how can we best experience it? 

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The Word & The Spirit

Col 3:16 & Eph 5:18. As Christians, we are told that we need to “let the word dwell in us” and be “filled with The Spirit”. The are crucial non-negotiables for a rich Christian experience. But what does that mean? How can I hide the Word in my heart? and how can I alway the […]

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Dwelling Together in Unity

Psalm 133:1-3. Listening to sermons or watching services online can be an encouragement, and we thank God for that! But we also realize that it is no substitute for being with the people of God in fellowship. There is a corporate blessing that descends from above that you just can’t get any other way than […]

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The All-Inclusive Gospel of Grace

Gal 2:11-21. When Peter visits the church in Antioch, he withdrew himself from the Gentile believers when other Jews showed up. Paul sees the hypocrisy in this and publicly rebuked him for his actions as they went against the all-inclusive grace of God. Our understanding of grace will also ensure that we do not show […]

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