2 Chronicles Part 2 (Survey Class)

2 Chronicles (Slideshow Download Available) This, sadly a neglected book of the Bible, is filled with deep spiritual lessons and instructive messages found in the history of Judah’s Kings. We discover that the key to success for a King was how he responded to the Word and the prophets, in the same way we learn […]

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Bring the Book

Nehemiah 8:1-18 As the People Gathered at the gate to hear the Word, Ezra brings the book and begins to speak with amazing results. This shows us the value, need and power of The Word of God in our lives today. (Other Key Verses Acts 8:28-31)

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I Am With You Says The Lord

Haggai 2:1-23 The Foundatioon had been laid, but the building of the Temple had stopped because of opposition (Ezra 4:24). It laid abandoned until Haggai & Zechariah the prophets began to preach and then it began again and was finally completed (Ezra 5:1). This shows us the need and effect of preaching in our own […]

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