To Live is Christ

Phil 1:19-28. While on one hand Paul considers the immeasurable blessing of going on to heaven, he also recognizes the privilege and need to remain here on earth with a ministry to people. He concludes that to live is Christ, holding the desire that Christ be magnified in his life and also in his death. […]

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Paul’s Testifies Before King Agrippa

Acts 26:1-32. Paul the aged now make his defense before King Agrippa and lays out 3 clear points. 1. He was a strict, fervent pharisee 2. He became a persecutor of the way  3. He is now an Apostle of Christ. And how did that happen? He met the living Christ Jesus and his life […]

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Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey

Acts 13-14. Now the stage is set. God has put his man in place and it’s time for the first missionaries to be sent out from Antioch. We join Paul and Barnabas on this first trip, taking the gospel to the Gentiles.

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Overview of Acts 1-12

Acts 1-12. This overview of the first 12 chapters of Acts sets the stage for us to study the missionary journeys of Paul as the gospel goes into the uttermost parts of the world.

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Good News From India

Rom 10:13-15. As we shared about the India trip, our hearts were stirred to think about missions and what a blessing it is for our church to send, support and go with the gospel.

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The Macedonian Vision

Acts 16:8-10, 1 Samuel 14:6-8, Nehemiah 2:12-18. In response to Paul’s missionary vision on their 2nd missions trip the team took it that God had called them all to go, to preach the gospel and went to Macedonia. It is a blessing for all of us to be in a vision, behind a visionary, going […]

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