Oh Soul, Why are You Cast Down Within Me?

Ps 42:1-11. In difficult times (like, oh I don’t know, a Pandemic and a lockdown?) we can become downcast, weary and brought low. We may sense that it is wearing on us as believers. The psalmist is able to counsel his own soul with the truth and bring himself up and out, something we all […]

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God Knows, God Hears, God Cares

Is 40:27-31. In troubled times such as these, we may sometimes wonder what God is doing and even ask “where are you, Lord?”. David certainly asked this throughout the psalms and Israel would ask this through their difficult history. But when our emotions or experience may not reflect the presence or faithful hand of God […]

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How God uses Trouble & Affliction in Our Lives

In Psalm 119 the Psalmist uses the word “affliction” 7 times. When we consider these verses together we can see a maturing process and a growing understanding in the believer’s heart of how God uses affliction in our lives. We are sheep that are prone to wander and go our own way, but he can […]

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