Peter’s Denial & Restoration

Luke 22:54-62. After being broken through personal failure and then graciously restored by grace, Peter is able to strengthen the brethren, stir up the saints and feed the sheep. God never condones failure, but He certainly uses it in our lives to grow and mature. 

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The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

John 13:23 & various scriptures. John never referred to himself by his actual name in his gospel, but gave himself the title “the disciple who Jesus loved” 5 separate times. Peter’s confidence may have rested in his love for Christ, but John’s confidence rested in the fact he was loved by Christ. He was persuaded. […]

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Judas, John, Peter & The Command to Love

Jon 13:18-38. In this sermon we consider some of the key charatecters in the Upper Room that night, Judas who betrayed, John who was loved & Peter who denied. After Judas slips out into the dark night, Jesus explains that he must soon depart and gives The Great Commandment to Love to his his disciples […]

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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

John 12:20-26. Jesus predicted his own suffering and resurrection on multiple occasions. After declaring that he must go to His cross in other gospel accounts, he says to be his diciples we must deny oursleves and take up our cross. What does it mean to take up YOUR cross?

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