The Psalm of Forgiveness

Psalm 51. How can we confess our sins? How do we find mercy? How can we be cleansed from guilt and shame? How can we, once again, be restored in the joy of salvation? How can we help others in understanding grace & mercy? 

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The Anointing Oil of The Holy Spirit

1 Kings 1:39-40. As practised at our queens coronation, the “anointing of oil” is modelled on the anointing of Solomon and other Monarchs. When Jesus began his public ministry, he was not anointed with oil, which was the shadow, but with The Holy Spirit Himself. Likewise the horn of oil from heaven was poured out […]

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Courage in Time of Crisis

1 Sam 30:1-19. What do we do in a time of crisis? With so much uncertainty, potential loss and troubles all around us, what should our response be as Christians? When David and his men found themselves in a major crisis they were crushed, distressed and weeping, but what David did next changed everything as […]

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1 Chronicles (Survey Class)

1 Chronicles (Slideshow Download Available) This wonderful book focuses on the person and life of David according to the line of Judah.  1 Chronicles gives added insights into some aspects of David’s life and deeply encourages us in principles for the Christian life of faith.

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2 Samuel (Survey Class)

2 Samuel (Slideshow Download Available) This class covers David riegning over all of Israel as a king under God, including the sad chapters of his failure with Bathsheba, the murder of Uriah and the conspiracy of Absolom are featured here. Nevertheless David finds grace with God and is blessed and restored.

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1 Samuel Part 3 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 23-31 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters follow the years of David in exile, relentlessly pursued by Saul. These 2 men stand in stark contract in many ways and serve as examples of the spiritual man in David and the carnal man in Saul.

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1 Samuel Part 2 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 16-22 (Slideshow Download Available) These chapters introduce us to David, one of The Bibles main, central characters. We see him anointed by Samuel, rejected by Saul, chased into exile and befriended by Jonathon. We are deeply encouraged as we consider the psalms written by David at this time, teaching us deep principles of […]

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1 Samuel Part 1 (Survey Class)

1 Samuel 1-15 (Slideshow Download Available) In these chapters we see Samuel raised up as the 1st in the order of the prophets and Saul chosen by the people as Israel’s first king.  Saul, a picture of the natural man, fails certain heart tests and is ultimately rejected by God who will choose a man […]

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