The Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:18-30. This man asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”. But if we are not saved by works, or keeping the law, why did Jesus answer him the way he did? And what is the purpose of the law? or motive for doing good works then? And then how do we actually […]

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Making Kingdom Commitments by Faith

Neh 10:1-39. Do Christians today have to keep the Sabbath? Can we work on Sundays? Do we have to tithe? Are we under the law in some areas? These questions are addressed as we considered the Jewish remnant realign their hearts afresh to the law, making fresh commitments to God. 

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The Fruit of the Spirit is Agape Love

John 14:15-31. Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments” but the love He is talking about is not our natural, limited love, but God’s Agape love that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us. Sadly many Christians are occupied with “keeping the commandments” but our primary focus should be on being […]

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