Guiding Principles for the Christian life

1 Thes 5:12-28. What are some of the key elements of Christian living? What should be seen in our lives as believers? What are the principles that we should be living by? As Paul closes out his letter, he gives a bullet list of grace-commands that can guide the Christian Life. 

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Keeping God at The Centre

Nehemiah 11. As We consider how Israel-of-Old repopulated Jerusalem after many years of exile and rebuilding, we are reminded how important it was for them to keep God at the centre. Especially in days like these, how careful we must be as Christians to order our lives with a focus on The Lord and His […]

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Dwelling Together in Unity

Psalm 133:1-3. Listening to sermons or watching services online can be an encouragement, and we thank God for that! But we also realize that it is no substitute for being with the people of God in fellowship. There is a corporate blessing that descends from above that you just can’t get any other way than […]

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Nehemiah (Survey Class)

Nehemiah (Slideshow Download Available) As we consider the remarkable accomplishment of Nehemiah in leading the people in rebuilding the wall against all odds, we are reminded of the incredible work we are called to as believers.

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Bring the Book

Nehemiah 8:1-18 As the People Gathered at the gate to hear the Word, Ezra brings the book and begins to speak with amazing results. This shows us the value, need and power of The Word of God in our lives today. (Other Key Verses Acts 8:28-31)

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