Blessed Are You

Luke 6:20-36. Luke’s gospel lays out 4 blessings with promises and 4 woes with consequences. What heart attitudes and actions can secure blessings for a follower and disciple of Christ? How can we be blessed?

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No one Can be Saved by Good Works

Gal 3:6-14. Paul spells it out as clear as can be. The false teachers were proposing that salvation came through observing the law, but Paul tells the Galatians that “no one is justified by the law”. In our modern language that means that no one goes to heaven by good works. Salvation is only through […]

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Counting Your Blessings

Ps 103:1-5. Though there may be much around us that we could complain about, it is so important and refreshing it is as believers to remember God’s many benefits and blessings and to thank Him for them. Count your blessings, name them one by one. That is something that, in turn, blesses our God.

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