Jesus, The Way, The Truth & The Life

John 14:1-6. What did Jesus mean when He said He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life? And How do we know we have it? He also made the qualifier that no man comes to the Father unless it’s through Him. That seems so narrow and exclusive, doesn’t it? Can it really be that […]

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No one Can be Saved by Good Works

Gal 3:6-14. Paul spells it out as clear as can be. The false teachers were proposing that salvation came through observing the law, but Paul tells the Galatians that “no one is justified by the law”. In our modern language that means that no one goes to heaven by good works. Salvation is only through […]

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The Prayer of Jabez

1 Chron 4:9-10. Jabez was a man who had pain associated with his name. There was something that had happened in his past that he had no control over. This threatened to affect his whole life, yet we read that Jabez turned out to be an honourable man and rose above that name, his past, […]

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The Assurance of Things Hoped For

Heb 11:1-6. Faith is beautifully described as the assurance that the things we hope for will come to pass, and certainty that the things we cannot see, truly exist. This is more than some vague belief or wavering idea, but a sure conviction that moves us on. Let us always be a people who live […]

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Are You a Son of Abraham?

John 8:37-59 The Pharisees claimed to be sons of Abraham, but Jesus clearly contested them on this issue. Though they were sons physically, they were not sons Spiritually.  Jesus gives the clear requirements for anyone to be a true son of Abraham. How can we know that we are sons of Abraham?  (Other Key Verses […]

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What is the Gospel?

Acts 15:6-11, 1 Kings 12:4-15, Matthew 11:28-30. At The Jerusalem council, after Paul’s first Missionary Journey, the all important question was asked and answered. What is the gospel? What does a Gentile, or any man, need to do to be saved? What is the yoke that a person must bear?

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Justified from All Things

Act 13:38-39. In his 1st recorded Sermon Paul clearly spells out Justification by faith for whoever believes. Showing that through the forgiveness of Christ you can be justified as you could never be under the law of Moses.

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