End Times Seminar – Session 2

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the 4 visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic timeline, sweeping across world empires to the final rule of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His program and redemptive purposes.

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End Times Seminar – Session 1

Dan 7-9. The visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic foundation for the book of Revelation, spanning the ages, through world empires to the final, last Gentile Empire of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His plan of redemption! 

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The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Dan 12:1-4. In light of end times prophecy, how are we to think of the world with the current pestilences, wars, earthquakes, and events on the political world stage? Where exactly is everything heading? In this last great prophetic vision of Daniel, we consider the end times, specifically the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, also known […]

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The Anti-Christ Forshadowed

Dan 11:21-34. After the incredible predictions of the Kings of the North (Syria) and South (Egypt) and some of the events between these Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, Daniel now focuses on the infamous Seleucid King, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Thie “vile king that shall rise” has more focus in the scripture than the others due to […]

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Daniel’s 70th Week

Dan 9:24-27. Imagine if there was a Bible prophecy that predicted the actual day that Christ would come, 100s of years beforehand? Then predicted he would be killed, that the temple would be destroyed, that there would be a future covenant between Israel and the Anti-Christ, that he would break that covenant with an event […]

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The Ram, the Goat & The Little Horn

Dan 8:1-27. This remarkable chapter of prophecy sweeps across time, from Nebuchadnezzar, through today and all the way to the end. The end of the age laid out in great clarity with the coming of that final gentile world ruler, infamously known as the Anti-Christ. Our hearts are stirred with expectation as we consider the […]

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